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Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate
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Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate
==Short background== [imageleft|Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate{BR} logo|{UP}gojuryulogo.gif] This page is dedicated to articles about traditional Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate. This page will be primarly used by my self and people I know, so please do not take any thing you read here as a fact. It is not my intention to describe traditional Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate, because my knowledge is limited. {BR}{BR} The head of the Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate in the world is Shihan Mario Higaonna 10th Dan. In Denmark the head is Sensei Henrik Larsen 7th Dan. {BR}{BR} My training began in the year 2000 at the age 20 (It is never to late) at [http://www.karateklub.dk/|Honbu Dojo Nykøbing Falster Karate Klub] (Today Nykøbing Falster Karate Center). {BR}{BR} Some time later in 2003 I had to move to Copenhagen, and then I began my training in [http://www.okinawa-karate.dk/|København Karate Klub]. I am still a member of the København Karate Klub and I train as frequently as possible. {BR}{BR} This section is divided in following subsections:{BR}{BR} * [Karate_GeneralArticles|General articles]. * [Karate_GashukuResumes|Gashuku resume's]. * [Karate_CompetitionEvents|Resume's from competition events]. * [Karate_OtherEvents|Resume's from other events]. * [Karate_KataArticles|Articles about Kata]. * [Karate_KumiteArticles|Articles about Sport Karate] (also known as kumite). * [Karate_OtherArticles|Other relevant articles]. {BR} ===Relevant websites=== You can read more about Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate on following websites:{BR}{BR} * [http://www.iogkf.com/|International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Federation] (Short IOGKF). * [http://www.gojuryu.net/|All Gojuryu Network]. {BR} ===Clubs in Denmark=== You can also find more information on club-websites in Denmark (Mostly only in danish):{BR}{BR} * [http://www.okinawa-karate.dk/|København Karate Klub]. * [http://www.karateklub.dk|Nykøbing Karate Center] (Honbu Dojo). * [http://www.gojuryu.dk/|Østerbro Karate Skole]. * [http://www.grevekarate.dk/|Greve Karate Klub]. * [http://www.karateskole.dk/|Roskilde Karate Skole]. * [http://www.karlslundekarate.dk/|Karlslunde Karate Klub]. * [http://www.vordingborg-karate.dk/|Vordingborg Karate Klub]. * [http://www.karateklubben.dk/|Køge Karate Klub]. * [http://www.ringsted-karateskole.dk/|Ringsted Karate Skole]. * [http://www.herfoelge-karate.dk/|Herfølge Karate Klub]. * [http://www.aarhus-karateklub.dk/|Århus Karate Klub]. * [http://www.silkeborgkarateskole.dk/|Silkeborg Karate Skole]. * [http://www.roende-karateklub.dk/|Rønde Karate Klub]. * [http://www.viborgkarate.dk/|Viborg Karate Klub]. * [http://www.sax-karatecenter.dk/|Sakskøbing Karate Klub]. {BR} As I find more website tu Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate clubs/schools I will list them here. {BR}{BR} ===Other websites=== More website that could be of interest:{BR}{BR} * [http://www.dogka.dk/|IOGKF Denmark] is the danish branch of IOGKF. * [http://www.wonder-okinawa.jp/023/eng/007/001/index.html|Read more on history of Karate]. * [http://www.martial-fighter.com|Martial fighter website]. You can find an competition events index on this page and a lot of pictures. {BR} As I find more websites I will list them here.
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